Monthly Archives: May 2018

Exclusive to me: The premiere Commercial Finance group. 

May 9, 2018 in featured-openings by Randy Block  |  Comments Off on Exclusive to me: The premiere Commercial Finance group. 
Top of the Market comp.
This national firm is seeking to hire two associates with 2-5 years of experience with senior / first lien / second lien / mezzanine financings and structures.  These are not replacement hires; the firm is turning away work and needs to hire more stellar associates.  You will represent lenders, issuers and investors in asset-based and cash flow transactions, LBOs, restructurings and workouts.  You will handle intercreditor and subordination-related issues, equity co-investments and health care finance transactions.  The firm closed over 400 debt financing deals last year.  The base and bonus match the Cravath scale and the bonuses are even higher if you decide to bill 2,200 hours.

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